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Why Teach TEFL?

To embark on a global adventure...

Many people hold travelling the world at the top of the list of their life’s goals. So many of us are eager to experience all that the world has to offer and are forever hungry for adventure and the excitement of experiencing unfamiliar territory, longing to become immersed in a different way of life.  However, travelling often comes with a hefty price tag, whether it be an expensive airfare or paying for the cost of hotels and hostels, it’s difficult to imagine a great trip somewhere far away without spending a significant amount of money. That’s where TEFL teaching can become a great option to travel the world whilst earning a salary simultaneously. TEFL teaching allows the individual to become totally immersed in whichever culture they prefer to experience, working alongside and getting to know local people and likeminded travellers whilst earning funds. TEFL teaching provides teachers with the luxury of spending their free time exploring the beauty, culture and exciting thrills which each country has to offer whilst gaining invaluable teaching experience to carry forward in their career.

2020 by Teach TEFL Abroad, part of the Educating Earth Ltd Group

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